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5 Minutes A Day - The Flat Stomach After Pregnancy Program

  • 20dni
  • 29kroków
Każdy, kto wykonał wszystkie kroki, po zakończeniu programu otrzyma odznakę.

O wyzwaniu

🌟 Calling all busy mamas! 🌟 FINALLY, a program that not only works but also effortlessly fits into your hectic schedule! Each power-packed session is designed to be completed in under 8 minutes. Simply grab your resistance band, tune in, and press play! ✨ Say GOODBYE to post-pregnancy concerns and HELLO to a stronger, more confident you!!! ✨ INVEST in yourself and embark on the journey of transforming into the EMPOWERED mum you're meant to be. Start your core restoration today, with our program strategically crafted to target your entire core, condensed into an achievable 5 minutes – made even more effective with the inclusion of a resistance band, suitable for conquering Diastasis Recti! 💪🏼 Join us in reclaiming your strength and confidence!

Możesz również dołączyć do tego programu w aplikacji mobilnej.



Płatność jednorazowa
29,99 GBP
2 dostępne plany
Od 37,00 GBP/miesiąc


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