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30 Days to Sculpted Core: The Ultimate Women's Abs

  • 30días
  • 32pasos
Los participantes que completen todos los pasos recibirán una insignia cuando acabe el programa.


Welcome to "30 Days to Sculpted Core: The Ultimate Women's Abs Challenge!" This program is specifically designed to help women transform their midsection and achieve a sculpted, toned core. Over the course of 30 days, you will embark on a journey filled with effective abdominal workouts, targeted exercises, and expert guidance. Each day, you will be challenged with a variety of core-strengthening exercises that focus on different areas of your abs, obliques, and lower back. Every session is under 15 minutes Equipment: Resistance band & Cushion/Pilates ball (head to my shopping for links) All classes are videos- so just log in in your own time and press play. You will work every bit of your body so expect your whole body to transform. 6 pack abs Your obliques ( your waist) Deep abdominals - TVA Lower Abs Standing Abs Energetic Abs Core restore Mini Pilates Intense Abs Get ready to embrace the challenge and unlock your full potential with "30 Days to Sculpted Core: The Ultimate Wo Ps - It doesn’t matter if you miss a day- what matters is you never give up 🙏🏼 Xo Not suitable for prenatal or early postnatal (early postnatal please do my Core restore first and then continue onto this.

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Pago único
34,99 GBP
2 planes disponibles
Desde 37,00 GBP/month


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